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HTGF Academy web session: Is Product Management the missing puzzle piece in Europe?

Elias Lieberich, Managing Director
Product Matters Co-Founder Elias Lieberich
Having spent over a decade at Google and YouTube building some of their biggest products with teams in the US and Europe, Elias is now co-founder of Product Matters, dedicated to improving product management in Europe.

Join us for a 1-hour session with Elias Lieberich, co-founder of Product Matters and former product lead at Google and Youtube, Gregor Haidl, Principial at HTGF, and David Sturzenegger, a CPO in the deep tech start-up Decentriq that has already successfully used modern product management, to discuss the importance of product management in Europe.

When? Tuesday, December 5th 2023, 11 AM – 12 PM

Where? Online via Teams (you will receive the link after your registration)

Sign-up here!

In this session we will discuss:

  • How European companies can benefit from the product model
  • How to implement modern product management
  • How to go from idea to a real product

This not an academic talk, rather we will use real-world examples of how European tech companies have successfully used modern product management to achieve growth.

Learn from some of the leading experts in product management in Europe including a CPO who has successfully implemented modern product management in a deep tech start-up!

This session is perfect for:

Founders and CEOs

Start-up team members, especially Designers, Product Managers and Engineers


Anyone interested in learning more about product management in Europe

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